Repairs Service Delivery

Repairs and maintenance services are often the activities that impact most on customers.

The Regulator is understandably highlighting cases where repairs services are failing customers.

The forthcoming legislation on consumer standards will put further pressure on landlords to drive improvements in service levels. At the same time, the maintenance and construction sector has faced inflationary pressures unprecedented in recent times, which pose further challenges for landlords in terms of affordability and relationships with contractors.

At ARK, we offer a wide range of support to landlords in designing and delivering quality repairs and maintenance services.

Service delivery options appraisals

Many organisations are reviewing their delivery models, whether it’s to procure external contractors, deliver through in-house Direct Labour Organisations (DLOs), develop new service models such as Joint Ventures or shared services, or pursue “mixed economy” approaches. There is no single right answer. Through our options appraisals, we work with organisations to understand the different models in the context of their existing services, stock and customer profile. We help our clients fully understand what each model means and the different ways in which these can be developed and operated. We also support with identifying and prioritising decision making criteria and model the impact of each option.

Insourcing delivery and new in-house maintenance services

There is an increased interest throughout the sector in bringing maintenance services in-house, either through DLOs or subsidiary companies. Having strategic and operational control over delivery, more contact with customers and communities and value-added services including employment and training are particular driving factors for this. We can deliver feasibility studies, including detailed financial modelling, and support the implementation of both new ‘cold start’ in-house services as well as potential acquisitions of contractors. We also provide programme management and leadership.

Management of existing DLOs

We are experienced in working with existing DLOs to address issues of performance and financial viability; improve recruitment, retention and staff motivation and development; develop and implement business plans for increased activity and growth; and provide interim management and leadership.


Our team is experienced in procuring a range of repairs and maintenance contracts, from those over £50m per annum covering all asset management activity to contracts between smaller organisations and SME contractors. We can provide a full end-to-end service from contract and specification design, management of the procurement process (using all procedures), to project managing the mobilisation of new contracts and supporting the establishment of new delivery arrangements.

Contract review and negotiation

We support you in managing and reviewing existing contracts. From addressing areas of poor performance to building cultures of partnership working and continuous improvement. We can also assist with negotiating fair outcomes in the face of challenging market circumstances.

Key contacts

Simply call 0121 5153831 or complete the enquiry form and we will be in touch.

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Tim Frondigoun

Tim Frondigoun

Company Director

Case studies

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ARK Housing Interim Neil Cox advises a colleague at Birmingham City Council

Providing expert interim support to Birmingham City Council

When BCC needed an Interim Head of Commercial, ARK’s Neil Cox stepped in, delivering strategic leadership and driving key housing …

ARK and Birmingham City Council SHDF Tenant Engagement Project

The Birmingham City Council SHDF Tenant Engagement Project, led by the ARK Team, focused on improving tenant participation, addressing energy …

CGI Image of the Upper Langlee regeneration project

ARK’s Successful Regeneration of Upper Langlee for Waverley Housing

ARK Consultancy led the regeneration of Upper Langlee for Waverley Housing, transforming the area into a vibrant community. Through resident …