
We can take the hassle out of filling that next vacancy.

93% of employers are doing some form of hiring this year and 80% of organisations say that they are having difficulty filling openings due to an ongoing shortage of skills.* PwC estimates 20% of workers plan to resign in the next 12 months as they seek better pay and job satisfaction.

Who people choose to work for, the way they work and the benefits they expect have all radically changed in the last few years. Employers are finding it harder than ever to attract people with the right skills. At the same time, they are also finding that the traditional methods of recruitment are no longer working for them.

We can take the hassle out of filling that next vacancy.

We offer a flexible recruitment package, aimed specifically at the social housing sector, which includes:

  • Developing the job role description and person specification
  • Benchmarking the role with sector and non-sector remuneration package comparisons
  • Selection – we will coordinate all applications and carry out initial screening interviews
  • Assessment centre design and facilitation
  • Psychometric assessment of candidates
  • Providing applicant feedback

Once candidates have been successfully placed, we can support them in their new role through coaching, mentoring and personal growth.

*Stats from Monster

Key contacts

Simply call 0121 5153831 or complete the enquiry form and we will be in touch.

Email enquiry

Helen Scurr

Company Director

Case studies

Read some of our recent case studies to find out how we have worked with clients to achieve excellent outcomes.

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ARK Housing Interim Neil Cox advises a colleague at Birmingham City Council

Providing expert interim support to Birmingham City Council

When BCC needed an Interim Head of Commercial, ARK’s Neil Cox stepped in, delivering strategic leadership and driving key housing …

ARK and Birmingham City Council SHDF Tenant Engagement Project

The Birmingham City Council SHDF Tenant Engagement Project, led by the ARK Team, focused on improving tenant participation, addressing energy …

CGI Image of the Upper Langlee regeneration project

ARK’s Successful Regeneration of Upper Langlee for Waverley Housing

ARK Consultancy led the regeneration of Upper Langlee for Waverley Housing, transforming the area into a vibrant community. Through resident …