Clare Doyle
Clare is an experienced property professional and member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. She has over 20 years of experience providing both strategic and operational advice and support to housing organisations in the fields of development, regeneration and asset management.
Clare has expertise in the full development cycle from concept, design development, financial appraisal and land acquisition through to management of the construction project on-site. Clare has managed programmes of up to 1400 homes and has significant experience in risk management and unlocking barriers to ensure delivery on programme and budget.
She has carried out significant work on option appraisals for properties under review including sheltered housing schemes and has advised on property policies and procedures to reduce risk in the areas of compliance and investment planning.
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News & Insights
The ARK Amble 2024: Raising funds for The Ootsider
The ARK Amble is returning for its fifth year and this time we are heading north! Our intrepid team will …
Case Studies
ARK and Birmingham City Council SHDF Tenant Engagement Project
The Birmingham City Council SHDF Tenant Engagement Project, led by the ARK Team, focused on improving tenant participation, addressing energy …
REGEN25 | Housing and Estate Regeneration Best Practice Conference
REGEN25 is a brand-new regeneration conference and networking event aimed at sharing national good practice between leading housing and regeneration …