Cobalt Housing – Asset Management Strategy

Cobalt Housing is a community based, not for profit registered provider of social housing, creating and providing provision of affordable and social housing. They own and manage approximately 6,000 homes in the Fazakerley, Croxteth and Norris Green areas of Liverpool.
We were commissioned by Cobalt to assist them with the preparation of their new Asset Management Strategy and associated tasks. We utilised our tried and tested methodology to inform and create the new Asset Management Strategy in collaboration with Cobalt colleagues which included:
- Request for repairs & maintenance and asset information and data.
- Analysis of the information and data provided, including clarifications with Cobalt.
- Undertaking of an Asset Management workshop with Cobalt and ARK colleagues, focussed on:
- Strategic Asset Management Market Overview
- Cobalt’s existing Asset Management Strategy successes.
- Future Cobalt Strategic Asset Management priorities, in relation to:
- People – resident profile, demographic predictions, community engagement, customer satisfaction.
- Finance – historic investment, current budgets, capacity, community investment.
- Property – stock profile, stock condition, environmental performance, development/regeneration, building safety.
- Market – tenure mix, affordability, neighbourhood cohesion, deprivation.
- Regulator of Social Housing requirements and consumer standards.
- Consideration of workshop outputs and outcomes.
- Drafting and submission of the Asset Management Strategy (the plan for a plan) to Cobalt.
Due to the series of conversations with Cobalt colleagues and our analysis of the information and data provided by Cobalt, we were given a strong impression that:
- Cobalt is focussed on ensuring they continually comply with the Regulator of Social Housings Consumer Standards.
- Strategic Asset Management and Investment Planning is prevalent.
- The importance of data and its accuracy is deeply valued by Cobalt, demonstrated by their commitment to complete 100% collection of stock condition data by the end of 2023.
- Building and people safety is at the forefront of their priorities to ensure building and people safety is maintained.
- The repairs & maintenance service is rigorously managed, monitored and delivered.
- Customers and neighbourhoods influence Cobalt’s service standards and priorities, e.g. timing and location of investment.
A new Asset Management Strategy was drafted by us, essentially a ‘plan for a plan’ to inform a longer-term Asset Management Strategy. Plus a series of linked projects and tasks were developed by us for Cobalt to undertake over the next couple of years, which will strengthen Cobalt’s understanding of its stock and investment needs and fully inform their long-term Asset Management Strategy.
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