Birmingham City Council – Capital Programme Work

Birmingham City Council (BCC) is one of the largest landlords in Europe with a stock profile of just under 60,000 properties including 23 high rise and 900 low rise blocks. It is the second largest city in the UK and home to over 1.15 million people. It is renowned for its diversity and has a uniquely young population.
We were commissioned by BCC, to support them with assessing their approach towards producing their Planned Programme, with a focus on their Capital Programme, and producing a high-level Capital Programme to inform future investment in BCC’s housing stock and for insertion into their Housing Revenue Account (HRA) business plan.
We utilised the following methodology to deliver the project:
- We organised an inception meeting with BCC colleagues to discuss how the review would work in practice and to gather initial feedback across a range of areas relevant to the review.
- We established a set of information requirements required to enable us to undertake a detailed review of how the Capital Programme is established and whether appropriate resources are in place to construct the programme, mobilise for delivery and to contract manage the delivery of works.
- In parallel to reviewing and analysing pertinent information, we carried out:
- A range of one-to-one discussions with BCC colleagues, seeking to understand their views and perceptions of how BCC establishes its Capital Programme and the general condition of the housing stock.
- A workshop was run with BCC and our colleagues to review the ‘as-is’ approach towards the Capital Programme and to understand what influencing factors are considered as part of strategic asset management and programme production.
- An understanding of BCC’s current Capital Programme regarding priorities and investment requirements.
- Evaluation of BCC resources in place across their Asset Management Directorate
- We met with BCC’s incumbent contractors to discuss the supply chain’s capacity vs. BCC’s requirements.
- A final report, incorporating our findings, conclusions, recommendations and associated timescales for implementation.
- A suite of recommendations was produced, covering the following areas:
- Analysis of data and information pertaining to BCC’s asset management system and stock condition presence and collation practices to ensure data is used effectively to understand the housing stocks condition and performance
- Advice on the Decent Homes Standard and associated reporting.
- Development of a new stock condition survey plan and resourcing considerations.
- ICT system automation improvements for data capture and use in investment planning.
- Developing the utilisation of repairs and voids data and intelligence from local Repairs & Maintenance and Housing Teams.
- Creation of a comprehensive Asset Management Strategy detailing priorities and objectives aimed at maintaining and improving the housing stock to the satisfaction of residents.
- Options and recommendations regarding BCC’s resourcing structure and re-purposing opportunities.
- Construction of a ‘delivery plan’ setting out BCC’s repairs & maintenance and planned programme requirements for the housing stock (preferably up to five years), linked to their Asset Management Strategy – essentially creating the forward order book for contractors.
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