Rugby Borough Council – Trading and New Homes Delivery


The Borough of Rugby is in eastern Warwickshire. It has a population of just over 91,000. Of these, over 60,000 people live in the town of Rugby, with the remainder living in the rural areas surrounding the town. The council own and manage almost 3,300 homes.


We were appointed by RBC initially to develop the full business case, business plan, incorporation, and support through to trading of a Council wholly owned development company for new homes delivery.

The assignment, led by an ARK Director, involved workshops for the senior team, an inhouse delivery team and an elected member’s workshop.

The business case was developed into a business plan by our Director and was approved for trading as Caldecott Ltd. We completed the appointment of Directors to a new JV company, undertaking a skills audit for the appointments and acting in support of the Council to get to the point of trading.

We were then further retained to continue the support to the Council for its delivery ambitions and undertook an options appraisal to assess the future options for the Council’s in-house, repairs function and the setting up of a further trading company.


A new structure to deliver the Council’s ambitions including: 

  • A Parent Holding Company wholly owned by Rugby that can be used for a wide variety of trading, commercial and delivery activity 
  • A subsidiary ‘Prop-Co’ as part of the structure, to deliver a range of housing and regeneration outcomes, including Rugby’s emerging garage sites programme 
  • Strong governance structures that support trading activity. 
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