Jason Clarke


Jason owns a wealth of experience within the Social Housing Sector, enjoying being active within it for over 25 years. His pedigree is second to none, being successfully employed by many of the biggest providers of affordable homes across the midlands, the enthusiasm has not waned, being as passionate as ever to ensure the delivery of high-quality affordable homes.

He is an expert in all aspects of Affordable Housing Delivery and Partnership working. Specialising in Development and Regeneration, actively engaging in all methods of procurement from Homes England Funded Projects, to Joint Ventures and S106s, holding a wealth of strategic development contacts within the sector. Owning the ability to manage a scheme from inception to completion, from assembling land to final defects, navigating the planning system, land purchasing and contract negotiations.

Jason holds the status of Assoc RICS, alongside being a Member of Chartered Institute of Housing. He is a Board Member of Pioneer Housing Group and Chairs the Group’s Development Committee.

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Stopwatch with EPC Certificates in the background. The stopwatch says 2030

EPC C by 2030: The Clock is Ticking

By Luke Beard · 6 February 2025

The UK government has set a major challenge: all social housing must have an EPC rating of C or above …

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ARK Housing Interim Neil Cox advises a colleague at Birmingham City Council

Providing expert interim support to Birmingham City Council

When BCC needed an Interim Head of Commercial, ARK’s Neil Cox stepped in, delivering strategic leadership and driving key housing …

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