News & Insights
Read the latest housing sector news, blogs, and commentary from ARK.

Marketing Work Experience at ARK
This summer, ARK Consultancy and CHIC Ltd. collaborated to offer a two-week work experience programme for an A-level student eager …

Introducing ASAP: Transforming Asset Management
Discover how ASAP by ARK Consultancy is revolutionising asset management, helping social housing providers meet the new RSH Consumer Standards …

5 Benefits of Hiring Interims in the Housing Sector
Hiring interims for senior or skill-specific roles can provide significant advantages for housing associations and local authorities.

Leveraging Interims to Achieve Your Organisation’s Goals
ARK Consultancy Interim Services bring a wealth of experience and specialised knowledge, allowing them to integrate seamlessly into your team …

GLA Audits Announced
Navigating the GLA audit process can be challenging. At ARK, we understand the complexities of social housing regulations and the …

What gets measured gets done – Affordable Housing targets
However, volume alone is not enough, affordability is the key to helping those in the most need. Increasing supply of …

New Government focus on social housing shows they mean business.
We know the devil is in the detail, but you need a plan to get to the detail and it …

Social Housing Transformation: Challenges and Key ‘C’ Words
As I embarked on my own change journey to ARK Consultancy at the start of this month, I have been …

Big Changes for Shared Ownership
As we are at the end of the pre summer holiday conference season and hurtling towards the end of July, …
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