Providing expert interim support to Birmingham City Council
At ARK Consultancy, we understand the pressures faced by housing associations and local authorities in an ever-challenging environment. Having the right people, with the skills and experience to navigate these challenges is vital. Interim staff can provide the expertise needed, and this case study looks at the successful work that is being done by Neil Cox in his role as Interim Head of Commercial at Birmingham City Council.
ARK Assistant Director Neil Cox has worked for Birmingham City Council (BCC) as an interim housing expert in his role as Interim Head of Commercial since August 2023. Neil was an obvious choice, having worked for BCC as a senior consultant from July 2022 to July 2023, providing vital support across procurement for housing repairs, maintenance and investment works, examination of BCC’s approach towards strategic asset management, refining the staffing structure, and also delivering an options appraisal of BCC’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) offices/depots, co-located by BCC colleagues and contractors.
When BCC identified they required a Head of Commercial role, they recognised Neil’s skills and housing expertise, allowing him to step into the position on an interim basis without the council having to endure the expense and time delays of a traditional recruitment process.
A Critical Role
The Head of Commercial role was no small task. It required Neil to have oversight of and manage an annual budget of £320 million while leading on negotiation of contracts with incumbent contractors (to achieve continuity of service and value for money objectives), commercial management, strategic contract oversight, and major projects. It demanded someone who could hit the ground running – and he was the perfect fit.
The Benefits of Interim Experts
Neil’s initial 12 months as a consultant working with BCC gave him a unique advantage. He already understood the organisation’s culture, challenges, and long-term objectives. This allowed him to transition seamlessly into the role, bypassing the usual induction and settling in period and getting straight to work. BCC’s leaders trusted his experience and commercial acumen to manage such a significant budget effectively, alongside other activities.
Before joining ARK, Neil had spent 15 years working for a housing association, specialising in repairs & maintenance and asset management. Like all our interims, Neil brought with him a depth of experience working with housing providers, including local authorities, on similar challenges.
Wayne Davies, Director – Asset Management at Birmingham City Council said:
“The ARK team, over the last two years, have provided leadership, expertise and support to stabilise our approach to start the delivery of our asset management strategy and improved services. Neil’s leadership and experience has helped to stabilise and enhance our culture whilst demonstrating value for money. Over the longer term we are now better placed to continue our journey of recruiting permanent members of the team with clear direction and focus. Most importantly the positive impact on developing our culture and services we provide for our residents.”
Why ARK Interims Stand Out
Neil’s success reflects our commitment to providing exceptional interim professionals. All ARK interims come from similar senior-level backgrounds, having held key positions in housing associations or local authorities nationwide. They bring with them more than just experience. Being connected to our extensive networks and resources means they’re equipped with benchmarking tools, best practices, and a clear understanding of “what good looks like.”
Before joining our team, associates are thoroughly vetted. References are obtained from trusted partners within our professional network to ensure the highest standards. With framework agreements in place, expectations of interims are clear and contractually upheld, ensuring that both the interim and us at ARK are held accountable.
A Win for BCC
By appointing Neil, Birmingham City Council avoided the costly and often lengthy process of external recruitment while gaining a leader who could immediately contribute to their objectives. His work continues to exemplify the value of our interim services, demonstrating that the right expertise at the right time can make a significant impact.
Neil said:
“BCC and ARK have forged a strong working relationship over the last few years, with ARK supporting Birmingham City Council in pursuit of their city housing and asset management objectives. I have personally enjoyed the experience of working with BCC and stakeholders, meeting challenges and opportunities together and head on to attain the required improvements in service delivery for Birmingham residents.”
Contact us today to discuss your staff requirements, whether you need immediate expert help for a senior role, or are recruiting for long-term positions. We can help you to navigate the challenges your organisation is facing.
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